I love humans.
For 20 years I built with:
Words & Code & Pixels.
Today, I accelerate
Individuals & Teams towards
Cohesion & Health.
Either someone sent you here,
or you met me and you are curious.
I coach individuals and teams to develop Relational Intelligience... which all starts with self awareness.
I clarify your message with words and actions that sell.
The assets you need for a campaign in a compelling and beautiful form of art.
As a Certified Enneagram Expert, we can work together to illuminate your motivations, fears, and desires,
so you can make better decisions and get better outcomes.
For Individuals and Couples, this ~1 hour presentation can be given in-person or remotely via Zoom.
For Teams, this Overview (and all of Phase 1 below) can be delivered as a 2-4 hour workshop with provided workbooks.
*If you do not need a dedicated guide like myself, you can start with a self-paced online course: For Individuals or Couples